Used Cell Phone Tips for Hurricane Irene

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Last updated April 12, 2019

Tips for owners of new or old cell phones have been issued with regards to the arrival of Hurricane Irene in the United States.

Cell phone users are advised to have a plan already in place in regards to communication with family members, with one person in the area being designated as the primary contact who all members of the family know to contact should they become separated for any reason.  It is also vitally important to have a practice run of that emergency plan prior to the arrival of the hurricane.

Other tips include programming all emergency telephone numbers and emailing addresses into your used cell phone, including the likes of numbers for police, hospitals, and fire station, as well as contact numbers for family members and friends.  Batteries for wireless phones should be kept charged at all times, while an alternative plan to be able to charge the used cell phone should also be made in the event of a power outage.  Wireless devices can also be charged by a car charger or by use of extra cell phone batteries or even by ensuring that you have disposable cell phone batteries easily on hand.

Wireless phones should be kept dry at all times and during the hurricane should be kept safe in a bag or with some other kind of protective covering.  Wireless devices can also be used to track the path of the hurricane.