Ten Killer Apps for the iPhone and iPad

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Last updated April 12, 2019

  • Image courtesy of Apple

    1.Meal Snap: good for those who count calories, this app analyses what you’re about to eat.  Take a photo of your meal (before you’ve eaten any of it) and the app provides you with an approximate calorie count.

    2.Fring: group mobile video calling for you and up to four others.  This app has been released in beta and is also available on Android.

    3.PairShare: be the DJ and share your live music with friends’ iPhones.

    4.Color: This public app allows you and gathered friends to take photos or video and share it to create a group photo album or video diary.

    5.Zite: uses your Facebook and Twitter feeds to scan for reading recommendations based upon your reading habits.

    6.Nursery Rhymes: I absolutely love this one.  Read a book to someone while you are apart.  You see the text and read it into your phone and on the other end, not only do they hear your voice, but also see related beautifully rendered graphics and images.

    7.The Daily: this is an iPad only app that provides daily news and video feeds.

    8.Bing: another iPad application, this one turns the search engine into a browser that uses tapping and one-touch gestures.

    9.iSwifter: watch Flash video and play Flash games on your iPad

    10.TWCable TV: if you are a Time Warner Cable subscriber, you can use your iPad to watch a selection of cable programming over your home wireless internet connection for free.