Last updated April 12, 2019

According to Wall Street analysts, the soon to be released white iPhone 4 is more than just another Apple phone of a different colour; “The net is that the white iPhone does matter”, says Brian White, Ticonderoga Securities analyst. And the talk is that the place it matters most is in China – Apple’s fastest growing market.
When asked about the seemingly never-ending delay of the promised white iGadget, White said; “There’s a little bit of a gap in the June quarter. This thing has been delayed so long that it has a certain cachet [there’s never been a white iPhone] … that I can see some people with black iPhones upgrading. And it may attract some people who were on the fence.”
He also adds, “This will be especially hot in China, where white anything is popular. White is just a very desirable colour there for all kinds of consumer electronics. It goes for both men and women.”
The white iPhone 4 first made an appearance last year at the Worldwide Developers’ Conference, but delays in release have been ongoing, with reports and statements citing manufacturing difficulties as the reason the phone has been a no-show so far. But, while manufacturing problems may very well be the reason for the delay, the timing of the white iPhone release couldn’t be better for Apple; providing a ‘fresh’ product right after the iPhone 4 release to Verizon Wireless and serving as a stop-gap to the iPhone 5 release that is anticipated around September.