How to Reset Your iPhone 5 and Clear All Data

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Last updated March 12, 2024

With so many types of Smartphone’s becoming available on the market already this year, are you in the market to trade in your iPhone 5 and check out what else is on offer out there until a new iPhone emerges onto the scene?


Apple have led the way for some time now in the Smartphone race, but with HTC, BlackBerry, Google and Samsung all hot on their heels, are we about to see Apple crumble?

If you want to trade in your iPhone 5, then we have put together a short video of the steps that you need to take to reset the phone to factory settings, wiping all your personal data.

This is a process that many people forget to do, which can result in your personal data being abused or worse still, identity theft.

Once you have successfully reset your phone, you can then safely trade in your iPhone 5 on the site.