Cell Phones Used to Shop by Millions

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Last updated April 12, 2019

The use of new and old cell phones as a way of purchasing consumer products may still be in its infancy, but the minority of consumers who do so are steadily growing in the United States, according to new research.  Over 33.3 million consumers in the country are now using their cell phones to perform activities related to shopping, according to research company Experian Simmons in its new study, “2011 Mobile Consumer Report”.  The study also found that no less than seven percent – around 2.3 million people in all – have used their cell phones to actually purchase products.

The study surveyed around 24,722 people adult US citizens between the February of last year and March 2011, and showed that 15 percent of cell phone owners use the devices to research products and make price comparisons.

The senior marketing manager at Experian Simmons, John Fetto, says that understanding the various dynamics of how consumers use their cell phones in relation to shopping is vital information for retailers in the modern age.  “Just knowing if your customer base is among the leading edge of mobile consumers gives you an idea of ways to plan your marketing campaign,” he believes.  Fetto also adds that even companies that do not currently see much cell phone shopping activity should be making plans for that to change.  “With more than 90 percent of consumers owning cell phones, retailers will get more consumers who are savvy and want to use their mobile phones,” he notes.