Cell phone thefts increase

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Last updated April 12, 2019

Cell phone thefts are something to be very wary about since we store a lot of personal data in our phones.  When it is time for old cell phone recycling, it is a good idea to go with a company you can trust and one that allows you to ship directly to the facility.

According to one downtown location in California, cell phone thefts have risen by 38 percent.  The police force believes this is due to the concept of ATM cell phone recycling stations.  These stations can be easily broken into.  This means that a person can find cell phones that they can resell on the black market or even resell legitimately to unsuspecting people.  It can create a problem with stolen information.

Police in California are urging for old cell phone recycling, as it is a green practice and it will certainly be better for the environment. However, they wish honest citizens would choose a better method for the recycling such as direct mailing.  It is definitely safer since the company receives the phone right away and it is not left in a vulnerable area.  The kiosks may be more convenient for citizens, but on the other hand, it can be a better option to make certain all data is safe and that the phone reaches the right destination.  There is always a potential for more money from the recycling as well when it is directly mailed since the company can evaluate the phone better than a machine.