Cell Phone Recycling on the Increase

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Last updated April 12, 2019

Cell phone recycling – as well as other electronic waste, or e-waste as it has come to be known, is on the rise in the United States, according to the latest figures.  The state of Ohio has also noticed the trend, even without having passed laws to ban the tipping of such e-waste into landfills as some other states have introduced.  “We do a pretty good job without, though,” the deputy chief of the Division of Recycling and Litter Prevention at the Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Terrie Termeer.  Indeed, despite the lack of a ban, the state of Ohio does have no less than fifty two solid waste districts that have a ten year plan for the disposal of old cell phones and other such items, with The Division ready to help out recycling companies.  “So there is a method for how they deal with solid waste,” Termeer notes, adding that getting into recycling has been the foundation for many a solid business too.  “I think manufacturers want to take responsibility for their products,” she says.  “They know the general public is expecting them to be more responsible, too.”

One such business which specializes in cell phone recycling, among other forms of e-waste, is Possitivity Green in Dublin, for example, who offer a “guaranteed one hundred percent no landfill policy”.  “Recycling is a very vague term, at least in electronics business,” says Jesse Roberts, e-waste manager at the company.  “A lot of companies have been shipping overseas.”