iPad Mini Conference Will Take Place On Oct 17th

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Last updated July 10, 2023

iPad Mini Conference Will Take Place On Oct 17thEven before the iPhone conference in early September, iPad Mini rumors were rife across the Internet and tech blogs, but now, a few weeks after the iPhone 5 craze has started to ease up we see the attention turn to the iPad Mini as we enter October. For many the iPad Mini is a pointless invention, for many others it will work as a great device for beating off Android competitors and targeting a new audience.

This time the information comes from an unnamed source identified only as a “major Apple investor” who told Fortune’s Philip Elmer-DeWitt that Apple will send out invitations to a press event for a new iPad on Oct. 10.

This then means we could see a conference on 17th October, with a possible official launch date stretching into November (2nd), just in time for Christmas.

So what can we expect to see with the iPad Mini?

This is a really good question as there isn’t much information out there as of yet. For starters I’m sure it will boast the new Lightning connector and cable that caused so much controversy with the iPhone 5 (and still is causing uproar). I also believe that a lot of the features will be dulled down somewhat. By this I mean that the expensive retina display the iPad 3 has won’t be featured on the iPad Mini, as this wouldn’t fit in the budget of a cheaper iPad.

In terms of the screen size I expect it to be 7.85 inches as this is a rumor that has circulated through every tech blog out there.

Other than that, further details and solid evidence will be the key part of the conference in just under two weeks time.